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1. NTGCは、神を心から愛し、人を情熱的に愛します。

    NTGC loves God wholeheartedly and loves people passionately. 

2. NTGCは、メンバー全員がキリストの憐みをもって神の愛を分かち合う弟子となる教会です。

    NTGC is a church in which every member is a disciple who shares the love of God with compassion of Christ.


3. NTGCは、奇跡を起こした初代教会のような使徒的な教会を目指します。

    NTGC aims to be an apostolic church like the early Church with miracles.


4. NTGCは、いつでも、どんなことでも、聖霊の導きに従います。

    NTGC follows the leading of the Holy Spirit at all times and in all things.


5. NTGCは、神のみこころを完成させるキリストのからだの普遍的な教会となることを目指します。

    NTGC aims to be the universal church of the body of Christ, perfecting the will of God.


6. NTGCは、イエス・キリストに贖われた神の子の立場で社会に貢献し、この社会にインパクトを与えます。

    NTGC serves society in a position of a child of God where Jesus Christ redeemed us and gives impacts to this society.


7. NTGCは、各家族の回復のために仕えます。

    NTGC serves for the restoration of each family.


8. NTGCは、グレース(神の愛)こそが、あらゆる問題から解放される鍵であると信じます。

    NTGC believes Grace (love of God) is the very key to be free from every problem.


Ps Tan Chin Wah (タン チンワ)
He was b
orn and raised in a strict Buddhist family. He was troubled by his own self-worth when he was 14 years old. He became social withdrawal, and attempted suicide. Then he was touched by the cross of Jesus Christ and the power of resurrection. He became a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. As called to missionary work in Japan, he is a vessel of making any sacrifice with perseverance and willingness, as well as a vessel to connect Japan with the world through his fluency in English, Chinese, and Japanese. He gives courage, encouragement and hope with deep inspiration from the Word of God. He aims to be a universal church.

Ps Esther Hiroko Ito (エスタ

She seeks deeply from her heart for Japan to turn back to Jesus Christ and prays daily.
She has been used in prophetic counseling and healing ministries and her courageous message gives deliverance to people and leads them to the benefits and privileges of living with God .


 Ps  Esther Hiroko Ito  エスタ       Ps Tan Chin Wah  タン チ      

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