I heard a story of a minister from Oregon who was assigned to provide counseling in a state mental institution. He was assigned to go into the severely ill patients who responded with groaning, moaning, and demonic laughter. He did not know what to do. But the Holy Spirit prompted him to sit in the middle of the room and sing the famous children's hymn that goes "Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tell me so....."Nothing happened in the beginning, but he continued. As the days passed, the patients began singing with him one by one. Amazingly, by the end of the first month, the patients were transferred to a self-care ward. Within a year, all except 2 were discharged from the mental institution!
This is the power of knowing God's love for us deeply in our hearts.
No matter what challenges, failures, and misdeeds one might be dealing with, the love of Jesus remains a constant
So, please ask yourself, "do I know how much God loves me today?"
Let me tell you. Even if you say I know God loves me, the measure of your knowing His love for you is so little that it is impossible for us to understand His love fully.
The more clearly we come to see the depth and heights and length and width of His love, the more victorious we can be against adversity.
"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Rom8:37)
You and I are designed to be conquerors in Christ.