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Knowing the truth in our hearts leads us to victory

What an interesting thing I have found in John 11 is about two sisters Martha and Mary. They said the very same dialogue in v21 and in v32 each, "If You had been here, my brother would not have died." The door of miracle which their brother Lazarus came to life was opened by Mary

What made a difference between two sisters.?

As soon as Mary saw Jesus, she fell down at His feet. It was not a ritual act. Her heart attitude showed up in her posture. She understood the truth well enough in her heart.

On the other hand Martha undersood the truth only as information in her head Accademically understanding can not bring us to miracles.

You shall know (experience in heart) the truth and the truth sahll make you free.(John8:32)

Not just only receiving the truth as information, but also in order for us to keep experiencing the truth in our hearts, the church exists. Because His church is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. (Eph1:23)

The church is like a petrol station. The place where we refill with the truth of His love into our hearts so that we can advance in His plan which is full of victory, because of Jesus' finished work on the cross. Hallelujah!

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