1ペテロ 5:7 思い煩いは、何もかも神にお任せしなさい。 神があなたがたのことを心にかけていてくださるからです。(新共同訳)
主は、私たちに心配事が来るたびに、それをゆだねて欲しいのです。これを、私たちのライフスタイルにして欲しいのです。何故でしょうか? 思い煩いは期待しなくても、常に押し寄せてきます。でもそれ以上に、聖書に書かれているように、「神があなたのことを、心にかけていてくださるからです。」 あなたが一切の心配を委ねるのは、あなたを愛し、天国のすべてを後にして来られ、あなたの為に死んでくださった方です。これが、あなたが思い煩いをゆだねる方です。それは、他の誰でも無く、あなたの為に命を投げ出してくださった方です!今日はGOOD FRIDAY!2000年前に、この私たちへの愛を証しを十字架上で両手を広げ示してくれました。私たちに超自然的な平安を与えるために。。。。。
あなたが困難や苛立ちの中にいるときに、神さまが望むのは、あなたは決して一人ではないということを信じることです。神御自身が言われました、「私はけっしてあなたを離れず、また、あなたを捨てない。」(ヘブル13:5) 心をかける対象として、あなたを人生の最後まで面倒を見て下さいます。あなたは決して一人ではなく、いつも神さまに心にかけていただいています!いつも!いつも!苛立っている真っただ中にいる時も!
Jesus loves You so much!
1Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
No matter how close your family members are, no matter how many friends you have, when we are in the middle of difficulties and trials, we often feel alone and feel that nobody cares us and understands us sincerely.
Martha knew what it meant. One day she appealed to Jesus. "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?"(Luke 10:40)
Don't you have a heavy task upon you alone?
The Lord cares for us. The Lord loves us so much, and He wants us to cast all our care upon Him. Not only a little bit of our care upon Him, He wants us to cast all our care upon Him. The Lord wants us to cast both big worries and small worries. If it is bothering your heart, the Lord wants you to cast it upon Him.
Every moment when worries come to our hearts, the Lord wants us to cast them to Him. He wants us to make it our lifestyle. Why? Worries come to us all the time and press us always. But the Lord wants us to know more about "He cares for us" as written in bible. The One who you cast all your care upon is the One who loves you and left heaven and died for you. Today is Good Friday! About 2000 years ago in order to express His love for us, He proved that He opened His both hands on the cross. So that He can exchange supernatural peace with our worries.
When we are in the midst of difficulties and frustration, He wants us to believe we are never alone. He said Himself " I will never leave you nor forsake you.(Heb 13:5) God cares for you until the end. You never be alone, God always cares for you, Always! All the time! Even when you are in the midst of frustration!
Jesus loves You so much!