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ワケあり平安 The Reason for Our Peace


そうではなく、惨い鞭打ちを受けた後、ローマ兵たちがイエスの着物を脱がせ、緋色の上着を着せました。彼らは茨の冠を編み、イエスの頭に押し載せました。 右手には王笏のように、葦を持たせ、イエスの前にひざまずいて、からかいました。






Jesus loves you so much.

Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He deserved a royal crown of jewels and precious stones.

Instead, after He had been severely scourged, a garrison of Roman soldiers stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him. They twisted a crown of thorns and rammed it on His head. They put a staff in His right hand like it was a scepter and kneeled before Him to ridicule Him,

Then they spat on Him and took the staff and struck Him repeatedly on the head. Each time the thorns went deeper into His head and blood flowed.(Matt27:27-31)

Why did our Lord allow Himself to go through all that?

Thorns represent the curse. Our Lord Jesus took our curse of dpression. He took our curse of stress and anxiety.He took our filthy imaginations. He took our dark and evil thoughts.He took it all and He paid it all so that He could crown us with His peace theat surpasses understanding.

Jesus paid the price for our peace of mind.

Jesus loves you so much.

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