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最高の結婚生活を Enjoy The Best Marriage



(伝道者の書 4:12)








Jesus loves you so much.

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Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

(Ecclesiastes 4:12)

Every marriage needs a "third party" to thrive. He is Jesus.

As we focus on Jesus, we can minister to each other out of His unlimited strength and Grace. Jesus can infuse our marriage with more passion and love than when our marriage first started.

You might say that the disharmony in your marriage is too long and too hard to get back love each other. Let me tell you that Jesus can do in a short time what takes years through human effort. One moment of His favor can turn our whole marriage around.

Nothing is impossible with God. All we need to do is keep listening to the words of our Lord Jesus. Let His Word wash over us daily. Jesus is the One who is cleaning us and renewing our mind.

The first miracle Jesus performed is turning water into the best wine at a wedding celebration. The same Jesus can turn your marriage from chaos to intoxicated relationship just like water into the best wine which takes many years to ferment.

Do not look at your partner to satisfy you. But keep looking to Jesus.

Jesus loves you so much.



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