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ジーザスに手放して Let Go to God!








Jesus loves you so much.

God wants us to let go our worries. When we let go our worries to God and release them, He will catch us and uphold us with His everlasting arms of love.

"Whoever belives on Him will not be put to shame."(Rom 10:11)

When we take all worries on ourselves, we are saying "this problem is mine!". But when we release our worries to the Lord, we are saying " You can take care of this problem !."

In order for God to come in our situation, first we need to let go it to God.

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8) It means that let go your worries to God, then He will come in your situations beyond your expectation."

God's supply for solution and provision has been running without ceasing like a waterfall. But our worries stop His Grace flowing.

Today we all want to see overflowing God's Grace in our lives becuse of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus , don't we?

Let Go and Let God!

Jesus loves you so much.

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