イエスは、神さまを天のパパと、私たちにあらわすために来られたことを知ってますか? 神さまは全能でパワフルなお方でありかつ、非常に愛に満ちた方なのです。ちっぽけなありふれた鳥すらも養っておられる天のパパが、私たちの味方であることを、イエスは教えます。 もし私たちの天のパパが鳥すらも養って、よ~く見守っておられるなら、私たちの必要を備え世話してくれるのは当然のこと!
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.
God promises to deliver us from the snare of the fowler! God says not maybe but surely He shall deliver us...
No matter how bad situation is, Jesus knows it exactly what we are going through.
Yet, we worry from time to time. We can not let go of all our worries because we find it hard to believe that God's loving us and upholding us. Do you know that Jesus came to reveal God as the name Father to us. God is all powerful as well as very loving. Jesus shows that we have a heavenly Father who cares even about feeding common birds. If our heavenly Father feeds them and watches over them so carefully, how much more will He provide for us and take care of our practical needs.
We need to see the impact of His very personal love for us. Do not take His love generally. Because our worry is directly related to how much we believe personally we are loved and valued by our heavenly Father.
The truth is that Jesus loves you so much.