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破壊力ある不安 Destructive Power from Worry






Jesus loves you so much.

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.(Proverbs17:22)

Worries are destroying us from the inside out.

Jesus has paid for our needs and we don't have to make things happen for ourselves. The more we make the shift from extreme stress to His rest in Christ, God's supply of provision flow without stress and worries.

Including myself, as we learn to rest in heavenly Father's love for each of us, we may experience breakthroughs in every area of our lives. May the revelation of God's love for each one of us burn deep in our hearts today!

Because when we understand how much God loves and values you and me, we will be free from fear that our needs might not be provided for. Then we will stop holding on and start living relaxed carefree, and let-go life.

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.(Proverbs17:22)

Jesus loves you so much.


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