Jesus loves you so much.
"Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow is thrown into the oven. Will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?(マタイ6:30)
Even an earthly father enjoys watching his children having fun without stress. How much more about God who is our heavenly Daddy and Provider.
Jesus always comes down to our level to teach us. He was talking about the quality health of the lilies flowing within.
Money can access to the best doctors and medical facilities, but not the quality health lilies are given within.
Only God can clothe us with the best clothing which is high quality health within. God takes care of the grass of the field. How much more He does give us the best quality health! Those of little faith, who see only the reality of what to see. Look at the cross of Jesus! Look at the greatness of Jesus' sacrifice!
"by His stripes we are healed."(Isaiah53:5)
When we see the cross of Jesus beyond the reality of pains, that's is our faith.
"Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."(Hebrews12:2)
Jesus loves you so much.
Jesus loves you so much.