多くの人たちは、心配を主イエスに投げ出して、神さまの癒しや備えを信じる前に、正しい行いをして、自分が正しい者とならなければならないと信じているのです。違います! 私たち自分自身の正義感からくる義ではありません。
Jesus loves you so much.
In Matthew 6:25、31-34, "do not worry" appears three times, This is not my advice. This is what the Lord Jesus says to us.
Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
All our practical needs shall be added to us. Not just "given" with bare minimum.
The Lord Jesus' hands are so much bigger than our problems. Let's put our problems in the Lord's hands and allow His grace to flow instead of worrying or ignoring them.
Many of us believe that we have to get righteous by "doing" right, and being perfect in all their actions before we can let go of our worries and believe God for our healings and provisions. Jesus does never mention about our own self-righteousness.
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
For the sake of Jesus' sacrifice, the righteousness of God is offered to us as a present. Seeking this truth more and more is seeking His righteousness.
We can be His righteousness, not by "doing" right, but by believing and accepting His righteousness as a present!!!!Only one thing to believe is that I am the righteousness of God for the sake of Jesus' sacrifice.
Jesus loves you so much.