Jesus loves you so much.
For if by one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Death ( sickness, disease, poverty, addictions, stress, etc.) has reigned because of the first man Adam's offense. Jesus came as the second Adam. Because of His perfect obedience we have been given overcoming power against all kinds of sins and addictions. Because of what Jesus has done we can be set free from all the bondages of the enemy. We are destined to walk in far above victory and holiness.
So we can enjoy our life in every situation like working places, human relationships and studies etc. We don't need to do those things out of obligation or unwillingness. We are destined to reign in life as productivity and quality. Jesus obeyed to the Cross for us to to enjoy everyday's life. May we experience every activity enjoyable without stress and worry.
Jesus loves you so much.