ある女性が医師たちに子宮がんと診断されました。彼女は病院に行く途中も帰りも、家にいる時も、力強く恵みのメッセージを語るジョセフ・プリンス牧師のCDを聞いていました。朝も昼も夜もです。こうしたことが、彼女が聖書をより深く理解する助けをしていったのです。次第に神のみことばが彼女にとって生きたものになってきたのです。抗がん剤治療や放射線治療を受けなければなりませんでしたが、治療中も神のみことばが彼女を保ち守り、聖霊なる神さまが彼女に希望を与え続けてくれました。 今では、イエスの打たれた打ち傷によって完全に癌から癒されています。
Jesus loves you so much.
The sower sows the word..... When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away teh word that was sown in their hearts.
The moment we hear the Word of God, Satan comes immediately to take away the Word that was sown. Satan does not want God's Word to stay in our hearts for even one day because he knows how powerful the seeds of God's Word when they root in our hearts.
So just keep on listening to the powerful word of His Grace until your heart is full of faith, until the faith to be healed is imparted.
A lady was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She liestened to CDs of Joseph Prince on the way to and from the doctor, and in her house - morning, noon, and night.This helped her to understand the Bible more and more, and the Word of God became a living Word to her. She had to receive chemotherapy and radiation. During those treatments, she was kept by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit comforted her. Today, by Jesus's stripes, she has been completely delivered from cancer.
I pray that we will cultivate the habit of listening to messages that are full of Jesus and hear our way to faith and victory.
Jesus loves you so much.