Jesus loves you so much
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
When I read "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away.", I used to think that if a christian did not bear fruit, God would take the christian home to heaven quickly.
But the phrase "take away" is the Greek Word airo, whichi means "lift up" in this context.
It is said that the branch of the vine must be lifted up in order for it to bear fruit. Naturally the branch is lifted up on a trellis to bear fruit. If the branch is lying in the dust on the ground instead of that, it cannot bear fruit.
In the same way, the reason why any christians cannot bear fruit is that we believe lies the devil has cast and we are depressed. We are lying in the dust on the ground.
Though we are wallowing in the dust and not bearing fruit, the Lord Jesus helps by lifting us up. Jesus is always lifting us up, raising us to life and restoring us.
Though it bears fruit, it tells us "He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." The Greek word used for "prune" here is kathairo, which means "to cleanse".
So the more we sit under anointed powerful teachings about the truth of the Cross that lifts us up and cleanses us, the more we will be transformed to bear more fruit.
Jesus loves you so much