今日私も含めて多くの人たちが、行動振る舞いをコントロールできずに苦労しています。それは、感情や感性をコントロールできていないからです。感情や感性がコントロールできないのは、自分の考えをコントロールできていないからです。 自分の考えがコントロールできていないのは、信じていることをコントロールしていないからです。
Many today are struggling to control their behaviors and actions because they don't have contro over their emotions and feelings. They don't have control over their emotions and feelings because they don't have control over their thoughts. And they don't have control over their thoughts because they are not controlling what they believe.
So, if we believe wrong, we will struggle with wrong thoughts, toxic emotions, and destructive addintions. The good news is there is a way out of this vicious cycle of defeat.
The Power of Right believing will guide us to victory with simple and practical keys that we can apply every day in our lives. Right beliving always leads us to right and healthy living. I will introduce these keys from today.
Jesus loves you so much.