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麻薬中毒から解放されたある男性は、「いったん中毒に陥ったら、いつまでも中毒者!」と言われ続けてきて、それを信じ込んでいました。でも彼が、メッセージを通して人生を変革する神の愛と恵みについての真理を知った時、 彼がすべきすべては、イエスの完成した御業とイエスの恵みを受け入れることだけだと分かった時、彼を縛りあげていた鎖は壊されていったのです。



Jesus loves you so much.

Whatever our conditions, however long they have kept us bound, God can set us free supernaturally and instantly. He who created time isn't time bound. He who turned water into the finest aged wine can bypass natural processes and accelerate our deliverance from any bondages. Because Jesus willingly laid down His life at the cross to set us free.

A man, who was set free from drug addiction had been told that "once an addict, always an addict," and he had believed it. But when he came to know the truth about the life-transforming love and grace of Jesus through one of messages, and when he discovered that all he had to do was accept the finished work of Jesus and His grace, it has destroyed the chains that bound him.

The mistake of our past need not determine our future. God can give us a new beginning , a fresh start, and cause all things to work out for our good.

If we can believe rightly in what Jesus has done on the Cross, the right believing always leads us to right and healthy living.

Jesus loves you so much.

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