イエスは、私たちが現在体験している苦しみ、恥、苦悩を十分にご存じです。たとえ今現在体験していることが、人生間違った選択をしてしまった結果であったり、私たち自身がした過ちの結果であったりしても、イエスは決して私たちをあきらめたり、見捨てたりしません。サマリヤの女性に対してイエスがしたように、わざわざ時間をとってくれます。イエスは私たち一人ひとりに個人的な約束の時間を設けたいのです。そしてイエスは私たち一人ひとりを回復し、助けたいのです。 愛に満ちた救い主は、今でも、私たちの必要な時まさに最適な助けとなってくれます。
Jesus loves you so much.
We have a Savior who reaches out the imperfect with lots of mistakes.
One of the stories I like in the Bible is in Jhon 4. It is about how Jesus reached out a woman of Samaria who had had 5 husbands and the one who lived with her was not her husband.
"Jesus had to pass through Samaria."
His mind had this woman to minister to. So Jesus purposely passed through Samaria to meet this woman.
Jesus does know the suffering, shame, and struggles we are going through right now. Even if what we are going through is a consequence of bad life choices and mistakes of our own doing, Jesus never abandon and forsake us. Just like Jesus did for the woman of Samaria, He goes out of the way. He wants to have a personal appointment with each of us, He wants to restore and rescue us. The loving Savior is still our very present help in our time of need.
The fact that you are reading this right now is a confirmation that Jesus is reaching out to you with His love, grace and forgiveness.
Jesus loves you so much.