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私たちの神さまはとても個人的で愛に満ちています。そして私たちの先にある嵐がどんなものかご存じで、毎回私たちをどのように勝利に導くかもご存じなのです。 だから、ネガティブな感性や感情に左右されることのないように!私たちの周りにある現実に振り回されるのではなく、神さまの真理の言葉によって生かされましょう。なぜなら、愛に満ちた救い主は、私たちの人生におこるどのような嵐の上を歩く方で、私たちを助けるからです。

Jesus loves you so much.

The loving Savior comes to us at our point of need.

When His disciples were out at sea, caught in a turbulent tempest and tossed by the waves, Jesus came to them in their darkest hour. Jesus walked above the storms. In the darkest time for His disciples, Jesus' first word was "Don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here!"(Matt14:27)

Waves after waves of relentless battering knocks us till we don't know which side is up.

Jesus is greager than every adversity and opposition that we are facing right now. He come to us to rescue us.

Our God is a very personal and loving God who knows what storms are ahead and how to lead us to victory every time. So, don't go by negative feelings and emotions. Live by the truth of God's Word, not by the facts of our surroundings Because the loving Savior walks above any storms in our lives, to rescue us.

Jesus loves you so much.

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