私たちが今現在どのような状況にあるにせよ、宇宙を創造された方は、私たちの人生における羊飼いなのです。偉大な羊飼いは私たちの将来に行ったことがある方です。このお方はすべての危険や困難な状況を知っています。 主の恩恵に満ちている道を私たちのために設けてくれているのです。たとえ、私たちが人生での間違いや間違った道に行ってしまっても、良き羊飼いは私たちと共にいて、助け救い出してくれるのです。
Jesus loves you so much.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
No matter what situations we are in right now, we have the One who created the universe as the shepherd of our lives, This great Shepherd has been to our future. He knows every hazard and every trap. He has laid out a path for us that is filled with His favor. Even when we make a mistake or take a wong turn in life. He is still with us to help and rescue us.
So may we listen to His voice and follow Him!
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."(John10:17)
Jesus loves you so much.