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神さまに抱くこのような印象が、愛に満ちている神さまとの関係を損なってしまっています。神さまの愛、恵み、赦しを受ける代わりに、これらの間違った信じ方のゆえに、人々は神さまを恐れ、距離をおくのです。 そして、愛に溢れている神さまから逃げ、避けて人生を送るのです。

詩篇 103:8




Jesus loves you so much.

There are all kinds of wrong beliefs perpetuated about God

"God is angry at me." "God is disappointed with me." "God is allowing all these negative things to happen to me because He's punishing me for my past sins."

Please do not believe all this baseless gossip about God!

Such impressions of God have damaged many people's relationship with God who loves them so much. Because of these wrong beliefs, instead of receiving His love, grace and forgiveness, they become afraid, distant from Him. Then they live their life running away, avoiding and hiding from the loving God.

Psalm 103:8

"The Lord is merciful and gracious. Slow to anger and abounding in mercy."


"He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities."

Jesus loves you so much.

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