Jesus loves you so much.
All our failures, mistakes and sins have already been judged and punished on the body of Jesus at the Cross!
"For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteoursness of God in Him."(2cor5:21)
God is no longer angry with us for our sins and He doesn't deal with us according to our sins. He deals with us according to His beautiful mercy and grace.
Becacuse God has exhausted His anger toward all our sins at the cross. The cross is an act of His love. If you do not know or ever doubt God's love for yourself, just turn your eyes to the cross. If God wants to deal with us and punish us according to our sins, He wouldn't have sent Jesus to be scourged, beaten and crucified. But He did!
This is the good news of the gospel of Grace. God sent His only beloved to redeem us from the punishment of sins.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but haver everlasting life."(John3:16)
Jesus loves you so much.