そして、それまで彼女の意識の中心だった人と会うことの恐れが、イエスの愛と自分はありのままで受け入れられている意識に切り替えられていったのでした。そして彼女は、 以前は顔を合わすのも恐れていた人々のところに、イエスのことを伝えるために戻っていきました。
Jesus loves you so much.
In John 4 there is the woman of Samaria who had had 5 husbands and the one whom she was living with wasn't her husband. Jesus came to her on purpose. She had very shameful past, so she came to draw water at noontime to avoid people. She was self-conscious and insecure about her past. But Jesus was there to meet her.
Jesus was not there to embarrass, judge or mock her. Jesus drew her in with His love , grace and compassion. She must have felt acceptance in His presence. She felt comfortable enough to let down her defenses and open up to Him.
Then she became so occupied with Jesus' love and acceptance instead of being so occupied with herself and fear of meeting people. Then she went back to the people whom she had been terrified of to tell them about Jesus.
Jesus is not here to embarrass us today. He knows all that we have ever done and yet He loves us perfectly. Let's allow His love to change and transform us from within, just like it did for the woman of Samaria.
You might believe that you'll never have God's acceptance and love. I love you to encounter the real Savior who has already forgiven you and invites to taste and experience his unconditional love.
When we begin to believe right about His love for us, everything can change for the better within.
Jesus loves you so much.