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完全で覆されない赦し Completly and Irrevocably Forgiven






でも、良い知らせがあります。私たちが犯してしまった違反行為に対して支払いをしつこく要求してくる 良心に対しての解決を備えてくれているのです。神さまは御子イエスをを送り、ご自身の体と血で私たちの身代わりとさせたのです。神の小羊は私たちの代わりに罰せられ、裁かれたのです。

私たちの良心が私たちを責め立てるたびに、イエスの十字架を見てください!私たちの悪がイエスの尊い血で洗われているのを見続けてください。罪責感と責めは私たちに敗北、落ち込み、破壊をもたらすでしょう。私たちがもっと罪責感に苛まれるためにイエスは十字架上で死んだのではありません。 .

Jesus loves you so much.

Becasue of Jesus's love for us, He has already borne the punishment for our wrongs.

This is why we can receive God's love afresh even when we fail. He has forgiven us. It's time for us to receive His forgiveness and forgive ourselves too!

Never think that He wants us to remaain in guilt.

The truth is, the more guilty we feel, the more we are doomed to perpetuate the same sin.

Unfortunately, there are religious folks who believe that when people fail or fail into sin, one need to make them feel really bad about themselves and crush them with guilt and conmemnation until they repent of their wrong doing.

But here's the good news; God has provided an answer to the conscience that persistently calls for payment for our transgressions. He sent His Son to ransom us with His own body and blood. The Lamb of God was punished and judged in our stead.

Every time our conscience condemns us, see the Cross of Jesus! Keep seeing our sins washed by His precious blood. Feeling guil and condemnation will noly bring us to defeat, depression and destruction. Jesus did not die on the Cross to make us gultier..

Jesus loves you so much.

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