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少しだけ赦されている者は、少しだけ愛する。もし私たちが、神さまの愛はあふれるまでに豊かで、私たちのすべての罪は赦されているってわかるなら、結果的に神さまを愛するようになるのです。多く赦されている者は、多く愛するから!新しい契約のもとで、神さまに対しての私たちの愛は、神さまとの純粋で本物の関係から産まれるものです。刑罰から来る恐れや宗教上の義務からくる作りものではありません。神さまが最初に私たちを愛してくださったから、恵みのもとで、神さまを愛することができるのです。恵みのもとで、人々は最も聖い人となりえます。.刑罰を恐れたり、宗教活動への堅い決心が、彼らが聖い者にしたてるのではありません。彼らの聖さはイエスとの愛の関係から流れ出てくるのです!とっても親密で個人的な方法で、彼ら自身に対しての神さまの無条件な愛を体験しているのです。 愛は人々を変革します。そのような人たちは、イエスの御名に誉れをが来る生き方がしたいのです。


事実、私たち全員が多く赦されているのです。問題は、多くの人たちがこの事実を知らないし、見えてないのです。 私も含め、ある人たちは自分の罪が赦されているのはわかっていても、真実に比べて、ほんのちょっとしか見えてないのです。理解していないのです。



Jesus loves you so much.

Those who have been forgiven little, love little. If we know abundantly God loves us and has forgiven us of all our sins, we will end up loving God-he who is forgiven much , love much!

Our love for God in the new covenant is birthed out of a genuine and authentic relationship with Him. It is not a artificial display that is birthed out of the fear of punizhment or religious obligation. Under grace, we are able to love God because He first loved us. That is why people under grace become the holiest people we will ever meet. They are not holy because they fear punishment or because of their commitment to religious activities. Their holiness flows out of their love relationship with Jesus! They have experienced His unconditional love for themselves in an intimate and personal way. Love transforms them. They just want to live lives that glorify and honor the name of Jesus.

God does transform His people from the inside out by sending His own Son, Jesus Christ!

If fact, we have all been forgiven much. The problem is, many don't know and don't see this. Or even some see how much they have been forgiven, but they see a little compared to the reality. I myself have not received the revelations of how much I have been forgiven.

I remember when I was a college student and attended a Christmas Camp, God showed me my sins one by one like a slide show in a vision. Jesus did not put guilt, shame, judgment, and condemnation upon me. But He showed me His Cross and His nail-peirced hands. I was overwhelmed by His love. "Your sins are already frogiven. I have already paid the price for your sins at Calvary. Rest in My frogiveness and love for you."

The reality of His forgiveness is much more. I pray that more and more people receive the revelations of His forgiveness ever before. Then we will end up loving Jesus ever before and end up living holy and victorious ever before, knowing what Jesus has done on the Cross and who we are in Christ.

Jesus loves you so much.

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