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思いをイエスに向け続けて Keep Your Thoughts on Jesus




「主よ。そうです。完璧な平安で私を保つのはあなたです。完璧な平安はあなたから来ます。私に必要なのはただ、あなたの恵みに休息をして、私の思いをあなたに向けることです。このチャレンジに対してどうするかと考える必要はありません。あなたに信頼を置いて、私の思いをあなたに向け続けるところに、あなたが私を導き、誘導してくれるからです。私の信頼は私自身の力に置きません。ジーザス、あなたあなただけに信頼を 置きます。」



Jesus loves you so much.

We need the truth of God's Word to uproot any wrong belief. Get into His Word, and get into His thoughts.

Whenever I feel stressed or worried about something, just simply meditate on God's promises.

"Yes, Lord, it is You who will keep me in perfect peace. Perfect peace comes from You. I just need to rest in Your grace and keep my mind on You. I don't need to think about what to do about this challenge. As I trust in You and keep my mind stayed on You, You will lead me and guide me. My trust is not in my own strength, but in You and You alone, Jesus."

Instead of allowing stress and worry to get to me, I'm training my heart to see how God sees my challenges. The bigger God becomes in my heart, the smaller my challenges become.

So see what God sees, and let His peace drive out our anxiety. Let His wisdom direct our thoughts.

Jesus loves you so much.


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