Jesus loves you so much.
There is a parable about a sower in the Bible.(Matt 13:3-9,18-23)
The sower here is a picture of someone sharing God's Word. The ground is a picture of how the hearer receives the Word. We will notice in this parable that the sower doesn't control the type of ground the seeds of God's truth fall onto.
We have to decide for ourselves how our hearts receive the Word of God.
The seeds of God's Word falling by the wayside means that even before the Word can go deep into the hearer's heart, it is stolen by the enemy through his own doubt and unbelief.
We have a choice to either let His words of life come into our hearts, take root, and establish us in His grace, or to allow His words to fall by the wayside.
No matter how negative winds blowing over us, let God's positive truth come into our hearts, take roots, establish us in His grace and carry us into His destinies.
Jesus loves you so much.