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土壌は物質探求優先?Heart Ground Is For Material Pursuits?










Jesus loves you so much.

In Mattew 13 the next ground, thorny ground, speaks of people who hear God's Word, but instead of believing it, their hearts ar consumed with the cares of this world. God's truth has not been practical, yet, it just sounds good to them. They are more interested in how to make more money. As a result, they lead extremely stressful lifestyles, worrying about money.

There are a lot of "poor" people with plenty of money. We can buy sleeping pills with money, but we cannot buy sweet sleep.We cannot buy peace for our minds, forgiveness for our hearts, and health for our bodies.

Nothing wrong with money. But we should not make making more money our only goals in life and end up living in constant stress, fear, and anxiety.

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"(Mk8:36)

Jesus loves us so much and He can remove every thorn of anxiety in our hearts if we let Him. That is why Jesus chose the Cross to redeem us from throny ground.

Jesus is the Shepherd of our souls, and in Him there is no lack.(seePs23:1)

Jesus loves you so much.


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