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失敗をジーザスに手放して!Release Your Failings to Jesus!









Jesus loves you so much.

When we realize that God's heart is not in condemnation but in forgiveness, our entire life can be turned around for His glory! Some people used to be gangsters have turned to be pastors.

Instead of punishing ourselves for our mistakes and disqualifying ourselves, let us begin to correct our beliefs and receive God's forgiveness by seeing Jesus taking on our punishment.

So I want to encourage you to release the built-up guilt and condemnation for whatever mistakes you have made over the years to the Lord.

Would you pray this way?

"Lord Jesus, I don't want to live this way anymore. Today I release all my failings, sins and mistakes into Your loving hands. And I receive Your forgiveness right now into my heart. Thank You for Your precious blood that washes me whiter than snow. Right now I stand in Your righteousness, favor, joy, and peace. In Jesus's name, Amen!"

Stop punishing yourself. Your answer is found at the cross of Jesus.

Every time we fail and make mistakes, as we look to the Cross and remind ourselves how forgiven and how righteous we are in Christ, we will start living right.

Jesus loves you so much.


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