Jesus loves you so much.
The enemy is a constant faultfinder.
If we make a mistake, Satan will keep harping on our disobedience or our lack of it instead of on Jesus' obedience, he will succeed his mind games with us. That is why when we focus on our disobedience in our thought life, we will be discouraged, crushed, and oppressed.
Then how should we respond when negative thoughts cross our mind?
Focus on our true identity and who we really are in Christ by thinking about the cross of Jesus.
Focus on His perfect obedience and how His obedience at Calvary makes us righteous, whole, favored, and complete.
In our daily lives, sometimes we come cross with people who are always finding faults of others rather than pointing out their good points and appreciations.
We should not be moved by their comments. But we need to be established in our true identity in Christ.
"...., bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." (2Cor 10::5)
Jesus loves you so much.