「息子よ。おまえはいつも私といっしょにいる。私のものは、全部おまえのものだ」(ルカ 15:31)
問題は、神さまへ対する私たちの愛ではないのです。. 私たちへ対する御父である神の愛です。神さまの方がいつも先に動く方です。それは、いつも私たちに対する神さまの愛のゆえにです。
天のダディである神さまは、もうイエスといっしょにすべてのものを私たちに与えてくれています。あなたの人生に必要なものが何であるにせよ、あなたの天のパパは もうイエスを通してあなたに与えているのです。
Jesus loves you so much.
"Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours "(Luke 15:31)
The father left the party to seek out his older son who complained about his abundant grace to his younger son who was undeserved.
It's not about our love for God. It's about the Father's love for us. He is always the initiator. It has always been about His love for us. Let us come into the Father's house and find rest for our souls, It's not about our own efforts. Our Father wants us to know that ALL He has is already ours. Not because of our perfect performance, but because we are His children through Jesus ' finished work.
"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"
Daddy God has already with Jesus given us all things. Whatever it is you need in your life, your Father has already given to you through Jesus.
Come home to His embrace. Come home to grace. Come and join in the music and dancing! Jesus is our righteousness, our holiness, our provision, and our wisdom.
Jesus loves you so much.