StartFragment「・・・恵みとまことはイエス・キリストによって実現したからである。」 (ヨハネ1:17)
「そして、あなたがたは真理を知り、真理はあなたがたを自由にします。」 (ヨハネ8:32)
「・・・恵みとまことはイエス・キリストによって実現したからである。」 (ヨハネ1:17)
Jesus loves you so much.
"Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ" (John 1:17)
In the original Greek, "grace and truth" are regarded as one item because the following verb, "came," is used in the singular. Grace and truth are one and the same thing.
Grace is the truth that has the power to set us free from fear, guilt, and all addictions.
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32)
It is the truth of grace and not of the law that brings you true freedom.
The truth of the law (rules and regulations) in fact binds us. Religious bondage keeps us in constant fear, guilt, and anxiety not knowing if we meet the standards enough.
The good news is that grace came to set us free from the curse of the law. Grace is Jesus Himself.
"Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ"(John 1:17)
His grace is the antidote for the poisoned mind. When we taste Jesus' love and His tender mercies, every wrong belif begins to dissolve.
Jesus loves you so much.