でも、神さまは彼女に他のご計画を用意しておられたのです。彼女はある教会のリーダーの一人に遭遇しました。その方は彼女に神さまの恵み のメッセージを聴くように導きました。彼女は何度も何度も聴き続けました。神さまは、彼女の思いに根付いていた間違った信じ方を摘み取り、正しい信じ方に置き換えていきました。
「.....神の子が現れたのは、悪魔のしわざを打ちこわすためです。」 (1ヨハネ3:8)
Jesus loves you so much.
I know a lady who was trapped int the prison of alcoholism and there was no way out of this vicious cycle of defeat.
She had tried over and over again to quit drinking. But it had come to nothing. She was on the verge of giving up.
But God had other plans for her. She met one of leaders in a church who led her to listen to messages on God's grace. She kept listening to these messages again and again. God began uprooting the wrong beliefs that had taken hold in her mind and replacing them with right beliefs.
She asked the Lord to help her keep her eyes on Him instead of trying to overcome the withdrawal symptoms. She was determined to enjoy her time and to give thanks to Jesus for every blessing, no matter how small it seems.
She just kept resting, praying in the Spirit, and listening continually to the messages which are full of Grace of the finished work of Jesus.
Whatever challenges we are facing, God is able to deliver us from these defeated cycles of mentality.
".....the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." (1 John 3:8)
Jesus loves you so much.