StartFragment私たちすべてのために、ご自分の御子をさえ惜しまずに死に渡された方が、どうして、御子といっしょにすべてのものを、私たちに恵んでくださらないことがありましょう。 (ローマ8:32)
Jesus loves you so much.
He did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (Rom8:32)
God is a good God. He is God of Love. But we will never know how much God loves us until we know how much He loves Jesus, because He gave us Jesus, His beloved Son.
God so loved His Son, but He so loved you and me too, that He was willing to give up His Son for us. That's how much He loves you and me! And if God was willing to give us heaven's best-Jesus- do you think that He will withhold anything good from us?
No way!
Jesus loves you so much.