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悪癖からの自由 Freedom From Destructive Habits


ヨハネ 8:11



義(正しさ)は自分自身の行いとは関係なく、キリストからくるものであるとまず分かる必要があります。そして、毎回誘惑を感じるときも、それでも私は神さまの義です、と告白し始めます。そのうちに、少しずつ過去の過ちや今現在の失敗に対して押し寄せてくる罪責感を受け入れるのでなく、拒めば拒むほど、 私たちをずっと束縛していた中毒症状から自由に解放されていきます。.


神さまは私たちが罪に陥って欲しくありません。罪は私たちを滅ぼすからです。しかしたとえ私たちが失敗したとしても、「キリスト・イエスのある者が罪に定められることは決してありません。私たちの罪はイエスの血潮で洗いきよめられたからです。神さまが私たちを見るとき、私たちの失敗の中に私たちを見ません。 」を、知るべきです。




Jesus loves you so much.

John 8:11

And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."

We all desire to experience breakthroughs. But do you know how ?.

Once we learn about righteousness that comes from Christ apart from our own works. Then as we begin to confess that we are still the righteousness of God every time we feel tempted. Then bit by bit the more we refuse to accept the condemnation for our past mistakes and for our present temptation, the more we become set free from the very addictions that have bounded us..

The revelation that God loves us unconditionally despite our failures and imperfections helps us free form destructive habits

God does not want us to sin becouse sin will destroy us. But even if we have failed, we must know this: There is no condemnation becuse we are IN CHRIST JESUS and our sins are washed away by HIS BLOOD! When God looks at us, He does not see us in our failures.

So how important to be in CHRIST!

God sent His Son to die on the cross for us while we did not care about God. Obviouslt, He does not love us only when we are perfect in our behaviou and thoughts. His love for us is unconditional.

Let us receive it afresh today and break free from every sin and addiction in our lives!

Jesus loves you so much.


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