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StartFragmentマタイ 8:2-3


かつて、らい病を患った男性がイエスのみもとに来て、「主よ。お心一つで、私をきよめることがおできになります。」 この人は、イエスには彼を癒すことができ、権威があることを信じていました。ただ、その癒す力で彼を癒したいと思っているかどうかに、確信がありませんでした。.

その時イエスは何をしましたか?「わたしの心だ。」 イエスは口で言っただけで、他に何もしませんでしたか?イエスは手を伸ばして、彼に触れ、この男性を完全に癒されました。 この人は、らい病のゆえに、長年人から触れられた事もなかったし、愛されていると感じたこともなかったのです。イエスは彼にわざわざ触れられました。


Jesus loves you so much.

Matthew 8:2-3

Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached Him and knelt before Him, "Lord, the man said, "if You are willing, You can heal me and make me clean." Jesus reached out and touched him. "I am willing," He said. "Be healed!" And instantly the leprosy disappeared.

Once, there was a man with leprosy who came to Jesus saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean." This man didn't have a problem believing that Jesus had the ability and power to heal him. He just wasn't sure if Jesus was willing to do it for him.

Then what did Jesus say? "I am willing." Did He just say it and do nothing? No, He stretched forth His hand to the man and restored the afflicted man to wholeness. This man had not had human touch nor had felt affection for many years because of the leprosy. Jesus touched him.

Today, God wants us to know that He is both able and willing to heal our sickness, our relationship, our financial situation etc. Let's start to realize and believe that He wants us to be healed more than we want to be healed!

Jesus loves you so much.


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