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暗やみに輝く主の栄光 The Glory of The Lord in Darkness



暗やみで飢饉の時期は旧約時代から常に存在しています。しかし良い知らせは、神さまはいつでもご自分の民をしっかりとお世話なさいます。アブラハムは飢饉の時に十分な備えがありました。 彼の息子であるイサクは、飢饉の時に十分に蒔くことができ、100倍の収穫を刈り取りました。事実、イサクは飢饉の時代に最も溢れるばかりの備えと増加を体験しました。」




Jesus loves you so much.

Is 60:1-2

Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.

Famines have been around since the time of the Old Testament patriarchs. But the good news is that God always takes good care of His people. Abraham had more than enough during a time of famine. His son, Isaac, had enough to sow during a time of famine and reaped a hundredfold. In fact, Isaac began to experience the most abundant increase and provision during the time of famine.

This is God's style. And all glory goes to Him when we are provided for during a famine.

Fear not, but be confident and assured that Jesus will lead you into new levels of success and blessings. So let's welcome Him into your heart and trust in Him for supernatural provision in the time of darkness.

Jesus loves you so much.


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