私たちは、心や思いの中で、見ているものの方に向かって動くのです。自分自身に対してや、自分の将来に対してどんな 映像を心に抱いていますか?
私たちはこのカエルの子みたいじゃないですか?私たちが抱くビジョンは、私たちを取り巻く環境に大きく左右されてしまいます。 もっと大きな夢を抱いて、もっと大きな思いを持って、もっと大きなものを見ませんか?神さまは、イエスの十字架を通して、私たちが楽しむための莫大な海を用意されているから。
Jesus loves you so much Happy Blessed New Year!
What we see in our hearts and minds, we move towards it. We all have pictures about ourselves, our future.
Do you see yourself in abundance overflowing or struggling? We all have to protect our visions, for we move towards the visions we have in our hearts.
When our vision is limited, our life is limited as well. In the bible God asks many times "What do you see?"
I heard a very interesting story about a small frog lived in the bottom of a well. He was so happy that he thought he had all the water this world could offer. As he got older and bigger, he realized the light on the top of the well. He climbed up very carefully, then the first thing he saw was a pond. As he went on, he came to a lake. He continued to swim and came to the ocean. This small frog realized that his vision had been so limited. He thought he had had everything, but he only had had a drop of a bucket of what God wanted him to enjoy.
We are just like this small frog, aren't we? Our visions can be limited by our environments. Let us dream bigger, think bigger, and see bigger. Because God has the ocean for us to enjoy.
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ." (Eph1:3)
Jesus loves you so much. Happy Blessed New Year!