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2019を素晴らしい年にする方法 The Way to Make 2019 Wonderful








Jesus loves you so much.

How can we enlarge our visions?

Get out of your well and find places where you can be inspired, where you can be encouraged. Go to places where people lift you up, not tear you down. Put yourself in the atmosphere of success, victory in Christ Jesus. Jesus finished payment for us to enjoy our lives.

Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint. (Pro 29:18)

If we want to enlarge our visions, we need to hang around with people who have bigger visions.

Elisha hung with Elijah then he got double portions of anointing. Joshua hung with Moses then he could enter into a promise land. Samson hung with compromisers then he missed his destiny.

Let us choose who we want to hang around and create the atmosphere of faith and victory in Christ Jesus.

Jesus loves you so much.


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