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Jesus loves you so much.

Do you have days that you feel like being all alone? You might have many people around you, but feel nobody cares you.

Those days make you feel totally alone in the universe.

Do you know that Jesus suffered the worst possible loneliness, so that you and I do not have to? His cross on the cross was all alone for our sins. He was separated from even His Father. Because only Jesus was qualified as a worthy and perfect sacrifice to bear the punishment for our sins. So we could be reconciled back to Him.

When Jesus bore the wight of the world's sin on that lonely cross, God had to turn His holy eyes away from Jesus.

As Jesus cried out in that painful moment, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?, we as children of God can cry out "My Father, why do you so love me? why do you so bless me?"

Because of Jesus' lonely death on the cross, now nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God.

Please don't believe that you are meant to live a lonely life. You are never alone, and always cared for,

For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Jesus loves you so much.


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