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本命バレンタイン You are Valentine to God


ヨハネ 10:3  . . . 彼は自分の羊を名前で呼んで連れ出します。

時に、自分は、群衆の中のただの顔、世のシステムの中の、一個の番号と感じた事はありますか? 本人確認が、運転免許証やパスポートの番号でされたり、病院で待ち番号で呼ばれたりします。




聖書の中のサマリヤの女性にしてくださったことを、同じように私たちにもしてくださいます。ユダからガリラヤへ行くのに、近道が有りました。でも、聖書で、「主はサマリヤを通っていかなければならなかった」とあります。(ヨハネ4:4) 言いかえれば、イエスは、心を満たす物を探していた女性に話しをする為に、サマリヤに立ち寄れる長いほうの道を、わざわざ意図的に行かれたのです。


そのような状況にあった彼女でも、イエスにとってはかけがえのない人でした! 主は、彼女のところに立ち寄って、話しをしなければならなかったのです。そして、完璧な人、イエスと出会った彼女は、真に変えられてしまいました。彼女はもう恥じることもなく街に行き、イエスのことを人々に伝えたのです。(ヨハネ4:28-29)



Happy Valentine!

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John10:3 ・・・He calls His own sheep by name....

Do you sometimes feel like you are just a face in a crowd or a number in a system? You are identified by your social security number. Even when you see the doctor, you are called by your queue number.

But you do matter to God! Today is Valentine's Day. Have you prepared heartfelt chocolate and obligatory chocolate? When I was a first year high school student, for the first time in my life I gave heartfelt chocolate to a boy who was in the same class and belonged to a soccer team. I remember that I passed the chocolate, waiting for him to finish the club activity. How youthful I was! Then we started going out together, however a few months later we ended the relationship even though I had thought it was a real love. God's love for us is all the time heartfelt and real. His love never changes.

He calls you by name.

He will do for us what He did for the woman in Samaria. The Bible says that “He needed to go through Samaria” to get from Judea to Galilee (John 4:4). Now, any Jew of His day would have taken a different and longer route to avoid going through Samaria because they hated the Samaritans, though the way through Samaria would take much less time. But Jesus deliberately took the shorter, avoided route, just so He could stop by Samaria to speak to the woman who had been searching for something in her life to satisfy her.

This woman had had five husbands and the man she was living with was not her husband. Clearly, things had not been going right in her life. She was probably looking for answers and fulfillment, and must have felt ashamed about her failed marriages and current lifestyle.

Yet, in spite of all this, she mattered to Jesus! He needed to go to her to minister to her. And indeed, after she met Jesus, the perfect Man, she was transformed. She was no longer ashamed, and went into the city to tell the people about Him (see John 4:28–29).

Jesus came so far from heaven for you and me. Jesus went to the cross He did not need to go for Himself but did for us. You are real matter to the Lord Jesus. You are not just a face in a crowd or a number in a system. He knows you by name and has a personal love for you. And in spite of the mess that you might be in, He wants to meet your every need and make your life beautiful as He did to the Samaritan woman!

There are loves among family, friends, brothers and sisters. I pray that you may be filled your heart with unchanging love of God!

Happy Valentine!



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