「わたしもあなたを罪に定めない。行きなさい。今からは決して罪を犯してはなりません。」(John 8:11).
「今は、キリスト・イエスにある者が罪定められることは決してありません。」. Roman8:1
Shame is a stranger to no man. The full-blown weight of shame from something that's happened in our past makes us wish that we can erase certain parts of our lives forever.
The Lord wants us to lose that specter of shame that's been haunting us.
As we look at a story of a woman in Jesus's time who was caught in the shameful act of adultery, a crime that was legally punishable by stoning to death. She was dragged into the temple pricincts by the religious leaders, who quoted the law to Jesus and asked, "shall we stone this woman, or not?"
Jesus's reply was amazing, "The sinless one among you, go first; Throw the stone" And one by one the religious leaders dropped their stones and left.
"Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more"(John 8:11).
Jesus gave the woman the gift of no shame by declaring "Neither do I condemn you".
Then He told her to sin no more. Because Jesus knew that she had to be freed from the painful sting of guilt before she could forsake her sinful lifestyle.
Jesus knew that He was going to bear the judgment the woman deserved for her sin and that we deserved for our sins through His death on the cross.
And through the blood Jesus shed for us, all our sins have been forgiven. The amazing thing is that when we receive His forgiveness and grace, we won't want to sin more. Sin loses its rule in our lives.(Rom6:14)
Let us go of the deadweight of shame that Jesus has borne on our behalf, and step to victory over our mistakes and failures.
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Roman8:1