例えば聖書の中で、イエスが手の萎えた人を見たとき、萎えた手だけを見たのではありません。イエスは、その手を完全に完璧に直す十分な恵みを見ていたのです。イエスはその男性に言いました。「あなたの手を伸ばしなさい !」その男性は言われたようにしました。すると、もう片方の手と同じように完全に回復され、完璧に機能するようになったのです。(参照マルコ3:1-5)
Jesus loves you so much.
The six-year-old son of a pastor fell from a high place and fractured two parts of his skull. It happened two weeks ago, but now he enjoys daily life without any restriction of movements. Doctors are so amazed to see that he is energetic and strong after such a severe accident. The pastor must have felt fear and helpless as a parent when he heard the news from his son's school.
When we are in the midst of darkness, we hardly see where the electric switch is.
God's view is like a light switch in a darkened room and very powerful.
For example in the bible, when Jesus saw the man with the withered hand, He did not just see the withered hand He saw that there was more than enough grace for that hand to be made completely whole. Jesus said to the man, "Stretch out your hand!" The man did as told, and his hand was completely restored and made as whole as his other hand. (Mark 3:1-5)
We don't say "stretch out your hand" to someone whose hand is obviously withered and disabled unless we see differently.
Jesus sees differently from you and me. That's why we need to go back to God's Word and learn to see what He sees.
When Jesus sees a disease, a lack, or someone trapped in fear, guilt, addiction, and sin, He doesn't just see the problem. He sees God's healing, grace and power super-abounding in that area of weakness.
We too can change what we believe by seeing beyond what our natural eyes see.
Jesus says to us today, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness"(2 Cor 12:9)
Give all our weaknesses, failings, and mistakes to the Lord's nailed hands. And see all our weaknesses (sickness, disease, shortage, conflict,....) on the cross, and see Him transform our weaknesses into His strengths. In order for this to be real, how about seeing God's thoughts and ways in the bible more and more?
Jesus loves you so much